
JRN:  I was in one of Liz’s first online mentoring groups and it was so valuable. I was in the beginning of my SI practice with a baby at home, unable to travel as much as I would’ve liked for continuing ed, and these small group discussions allowed me to continue to expand my knowledge and support my budding practice.

KW: I have joined the ongoing supervision group. I am looking forward to making connections with the work as well as with my community

LS:  Liz has so much to offer! My experiences of her supervision groups are grounding, clarifying, stimulating and expanding. She helps me feel at home in the profession

DA:  I’m considering participating in a 12-week mentoring process facilitated by Liz Stewart over Zoom that will be organized around the series. After I reached out to Liz to inquire, she suggested we set up a one-on-one video chat to explore the possibility. I’m sharing my account of that experience as an endorsement of Liz’s offerings, and of the idea of mentoring becoming a standard part of our development as SI professionals. 

During the chat, Liz asked about my hopes and intentions for seeking mentoring. She listened to my concerns, then related from her experience, having been both a mentor and mentee for much of her SI career. I got a feel for the safety and flow of Liz’s groups, and the intent of this specific group to not only discuss the finer points of whatever series-based approach we might offer, but the general process we take clients through and our relationship with them throughout. I’m looking to grow in my grasp of SI fundamentals and deepen my sense of what it means to do this work, and got the sense that this group will be the sort of laboratory I’m seeking. 

Other professions use various forms of supervision to support the maturation of novice and experienced practitioners alike, and I’m glad to see this happening in the SI profession. My relationships with more experienced practitioners and my peer community have been essential to my professional development thus far, and I look forward to embracing this approach in a more intentional way. If this speaks to you, I invite you to consider joining Liz’s mentoring group with me, joining another one of her groups, or participating as a mentor or mentee in some other venue at some point.